Monday, June 14, 2010

The Moon Exposed by Allison Lassieur

The Moon Exposed
by Allison Lassieur

Summary: The Moon Exposed explains different properties of the moon. The book is broken down into 10 sections: old myths about the moon, what the moon is, how the moon moves, why the moon stays near the earth, the relationship between the moon and earth and tides, what is on the moon, seas on the moon, weather on the moon, light on the moon, phases, why the moon disappears, walking on the moon, and moon tourists. Each page the author lists difficult relevant vocabulary words at the bottom of the page with a definition. The author provides diagrams and descriptive illustrations. In addition to the vocabuarly words, the author also addresses common myths about each section.

SC Science Standard: 4-3 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties, movements, and locations of objects in the solar system. (Earth Science)
Indicator: 4-3.3 Illustrate the phases of the Moon and the Moon’s effect on ocean tides.

SC ELA Standard: 4-2 The student will read and comprehend a variety of informational texts in print and nonprint formats.
Indicator: 4-2.6 Use graphic features (including illustrations, graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, and graphic organizers) as sources of information.

Activity/Lesson: The teacher will use the text to introduce a lesson on the moon. The student will create a graphic organizer to explain what they have learned about the moon. As the teacher reads aloud the text, the students will jot down notes to use on their graphic organizer. The students also have sticky notes to write down questions about anything they did not understand. After the reading, the students will place their sticky notes on the front board and the class will discuss the questions. The teacher will also model how the moon moves around the earth and different parts of the moon face the sun.


  • The student will identify the important attributes of the moon
  • The student will create an accurate graphic organizer about the moon


  • The Moon Exposed
  • Moon graphic organizer
  • model of the earth- blue ball
  • model of the sun- a light without a lamp shade
  • model of the moon -tennis ball
  • phases of the moon worksheet


  1. The teacher will ask the students what they know about the moon.
  2. Next the teacher will read The Moon Exposed
  3. As the teacher reads aloud, the students will jot down notes on their graphic organizers and any questions on sticky notes.
  4. After reading the text the students will place the sticky notes on the front board and the class will discuss the questions
  5. Next the teacher will ask for 2 volunteers to hold the sun (light) and the earth(blue ball). The teacher will model how the moon moves around the earth and the phases.
  6. The teacher will start by telling the students that the light represents the sun, the blue ball the earth, and the tennis ball the moon.
  7. The students will complete a worksheet labeling all of the phases of the moon.

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