Monday, June 14, 2010

Working in Space by Patricia Whitehouse

Working in Space
Patricia Whitehouse

Summary: Working in Space explains how astronauts work in space. The author clarifies why astronauts float in space, the clothing they wear in space, training, taking photos in space, fixing satellites, and many other interesting facts about their job. The book begins with an explanation of the different types of astronauts and their jobs. Next the author details the training that is required to go on a space mission and the types of experiments astronauts conduct in space. The book covers the clothing and equipment that they use. The author provides additional space facts and a glossary at the end of the text.

SC Science Standard: 4-3 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties, movements, and locations of objects in the solar system. (Earth Science)
SC ELA Standard: 4-5 The student will write for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Indicator: 4-5.3 Create written descriptions using language that appeals to the readers’ senses.

Activity/Lesson: The teacher will read Working in Space to the students. After reading the text, the student will keep a week long journal of their life as an astronaut. The students will pretend that they are on a space mission to a planet that they choose. Each day the student will write about their day in space in their journal.


  • The student will identify the main job responsibilities of an astronaut.
  • The student will identify how an astronaut works in space


  • Working In Space
  • journals


  1. The teacher will ask the students if they know any careers for those you study space (astronauts, astronomers, space craft engineers, planetarium director, and astrogeologist)
  2. The teacher will then read the book, Working in Space.
  3. The teacher will allow the students to ask any questions that they may have about working in space.
  4. The students will pretend that they are going on a mission to any planet of their choice. The students will write in their daily journal for a week about their life as an astronaut.
  5. The students will share their journal entries with the teacher each day.

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